Blue 2-1 and fan canopy module

I have a ceiling fan with lights. The switch at the wall turns the light and fan on and off together. I was told it is switch loop wiring. There is a white wire, a black wire and a ground wire at the switch in the wall. My ceiling fan has pull strings for the light and fan. Can i use the blue dimmer switch and the blue fan canopy module? Is there a diagram for the wiring for switch loop wiring or can someone tell me how it should be done if it is even possible? Also, if it is possible, can i use smart bulbs also. (The switch on the right is just a closet and will probably stay dumb)

Thanks for any help

You’re on the right path with using the canopy and 2-1switch. You’ll need to rewire at the fan to send line and neutral down to your switch. You’ll wire the canopy like normal. You wire your switch with only line and neutral (no load).

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