Blue Canopy - Changing the Fan State/Speed "Turns On" the Light as well?

Looks for some help trouble shooting this issue. Installed an Inovelli Blue Canopy to control my ceiling fans light and fan speed. Added the device to Home Assistant via Zigbee2MQTT, all shows and works are expected. No fancy template overrides or customizations are being used on the dashboard for these elements (light and fan).

If I turn the fan on, all works great! However, if I turn the fan on AND change the fan speed in the process (from off/low to on/medium), the fan light in HA shows as on, but does not actually turn on. How is it that these 2 entities are being linked via an action on the fan entity in Home Assistant? I have x1 canopy module bound to a switch, and another stand alone and BOTH devices do this.

I am running the latest firmware on the canopy device, the latest version of Home Assistant (Home Assistant Connect ZBT-1), and the latest version of Zigbee2MQTT.

Here is a gif of the issue, incase I didn’t explain it well enough.

Has anyone experienced this before? What might I be overlooking?? TIA

It’s a bug in the converter for Z2M. Will be fixed by Add additional improvements for Inovelli devices by rohankapoorcom · Pull Request #8700 · Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters · GitHub

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Glad to know that it isn’t something that I messed up on the install.

Thank you for the speedy reply!

Z2M 2.1.1 includes this fix.

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