Ilumin RGBW bulb unable to change colors - SmartThings

I’m going to glance over it… Some of the functions I used are hubitat specific… Also hubitat seems to have more strict standards (which I like)… I just don’t have a smartthings hub to test with at the moment

I gave my old smartthings hub to a friend that is just starting out in smart home… Also gave him my lightify bulbs that I replaced with inovelli

aha! I didn’t realize this was the same one you mentioned on hubitat forum. It def should have gotten a Eric M touch up before showing up on Smartthings side of device handlers.

On a side note, i’ve been reading your posts and work on hubitat and hope to some day soon make the move. Been getting my ducks in a row because I need something that just works :wink:

Smart bulbs should never be on a dimmer… Inovelli dimmers are unique in their ability to disable the relay… But the relay has to be disabled…

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Yes, that is accurate…and I mentioned issues with relay disabled. However the provided documentation with their dimmers says the relay “may have to be disabled” with smart bulbs. Disabling the relay sadly causes the dimmer to not work as intended. As observed by many and described in detail here: Red Series Dimmer (LZW31-SN) observations and comments

Either way the provided handler isn’t currently SmartThings friendly in any situation I’ve tested other than Red v2 On/Off switches

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I am using the bulbs in two standing lamps that are not on any kind of switch, just a pull chain to turn them on and off.

Get Hubitat… It’s a little more work but the rewards are so high for that extra time.

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My sentiments exactly. I have always said that a smart bulb on a smart switch = dumb bulb but Inovelli wants to change the law of physics :slight_smile:

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This weekend I have 2 tests to run… first the internal relay issue where it seems to re-enable itself and the other the new fan/light switch.

The internal relay has been a thorn in my butt.

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It works in theory… But I find most people don’t understand how it’s supposed to work…

With relay disabled and association set properly it should work as advertised…

I don’t currently have any smart bulbs on my dimmers… But that may change soon… I have been wanting to try that setup

I am happy to report that the updated DH script seems to have fixed my issue. I can now change the colors on the bulb without the bulbs turning off and becoming unresponsive and the bulbs consistently get included with the proper name (Inovelli multicolor bulb) rather than a generic dimmer switch.


I’m seeing the opposite as @stan

With the new DH, the bulbs constantly show as unavailable in ST. They still respond to zwave association from the physical press of the switch even while showing unavailable, but they do not respond to zwave commands sent to the switch. I switched back to the old DH and issue went away.