LZW30 RGBW Child Device for Light LED When Off?

Is anyone aware how to enable the RGBW options for the ‘Light LED - When Off’ like they are for the ‘Light LED’? Even reviewing the device handler they are both calling a different child device:

    else deleteChild("ep102")
    if (enableLED1Child == "true") addChild("ep103", "Light LED", "InovelliUSA", "RGBW Child Device", false)
    else deleteChild("ep103")
    if (enableLED1OffChild == "true") addChild("ep104", "Light LED - When Off", "InovelliUSA", "Switch Level Child Device", false)

(and unfortunately if I change the ep104 to use ‘RGBW Child Device’ the options show up, but they don’t function when you try to change the LED when off).

@Eric_Inovelli any thoughts or was this intentional?

Let me tag the other Eric who can answer :slight_smile:


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The LED color is shared across the off and on state. So you would have to program an automation to watch the on / off state of the switch and then have it change ep103 if you want separate colors for on / off.

@EricM_Inovelli thank you.

I could have sworn I tested that, but I guess not. It’s working correctly, I’ve got the ‘off’ LED automated through Webcore to change to ‘red’ and ‘100%’ when my alarm is armed and going back to ‘green’ and ‘30%’ when it’s disarmed.

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Nice! I like that solution!