Setting LED Notifications in Home Assistant

I’m new to Inovelli products and Home Assistant. I’m trying to set the LED notifications using the call service feature. I have successfully changed the LED Indicator Color by passing in a color to parameter 13. However, after using the switch toolbox to pass in a value for parameter 16 (i.e. set parameter 16 to 67046092), I am getting an error message:

Failed to call service zwave_js/set_config_parameter. Configuration parameter with value ID 2-112-0-16 could not be found

Can anyone let me know what I am doing incorrectly? Thanks!

Try using zwave_js.bulk_set_partial_config_parameters service instead

service: zwave_js.bulk_set_partial_config_parameters
  entity_id: light.office_dimmer
  parameter: '16'
  value: 67046092

You have to use the bulk set parameter service.

Thank you both…It’s strange, but I do not have that as a service option.

Is Home Assistant up-to-date? I am not sure exactly when that service was added, but it is a fairly recent addition.

@jtronicus That was the issue. Thank you very much for your help!