Thread 2-1 Switch (On/Off & Dimmer) | Project Jonagold (White Series)

Yeah happy to expand!

At this time I only want to promise on things I know we can deliver on. While it may be possible to have the more advanced features our Zigbee and Z-Wave switches have (scene control, animated notifications, etc), we aren’t going to lead with that right away.

The purpose of this switch is to get something out there so that HomeKit users, Google users, etc have something Inovelli branded and get a taste of what we bring to the table.

People have been reaching out to me constantly asking for us to just get a basic switch out there to compete. Our hardware is better already, but just give those crazy Apple guys something to work with!

So, right now I’d rather under promise and over deliver on what we can do. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ll say something might be possible and it’s used against me later on lol.

I know we can do certain parameters (ie: dim rate, ramp rate, and all the various bulb calibration parameters) because we can build them directly into the switch and have manual way to adjust them in case the hub does not support it (via tap sequences). So right now, these are the parameters I’m promising until I know we can officially do them.

I learned the other day that there is a Matter equivalent of Binding for Smart Bulb Mode, so I can potentially add that in. But again, right now this is all theory and looking at tech docs and not practice so I want to be cautious.

Hope that somewhat clears it up?

I can list out the specific parameters we asked for if you want?

Edit: Just want to clarify in case my tone didn’t come off the way it was supposed to. Inovelli has always been about offering the best, most innovative switches and we will continue to do that. As we learn more about Matter, I can make more confident statements on what can be offered. But know that our spirit and goal is to deliver on our brand equity which is making the most innovative products on the market.