Trouble Pairing my LZW31-SN Dimmer (Red Gen 2)

I just got my new dimmers today and was trying to pair them to my Hubitat (they were v1.47)

When I first tried, I got the device class prompt, but not the DSK PIN prompt.

I paired with no security–then did a firmware update to v1.48. That part went great.

Now, I get both prompts during pairing (the security class and the DSK PIN one). However, shortly after that, I see an error in the logs and it doesn’t pair:

What should I do?

@EricM_Inovelli Any ideas?


I even put my Ring Z-Wave Alarm system in a safe in the basement to limit the Z-Wave traffic it might be generating and I put the hub within 4" of the switch. Same issue.

I’m on firmware on my C7 Huibitat.

FYI: When I press the config button and hold it until it turns green, then release it, it goes red. The hub is 4" from the switch.

Of more interest. The identical device that I just installed in the far end of the house–I used “Smart Start” for it. It hadn’t paired for a LONG time–but I just noticed that it finally paired (that one is still at v1.47) and it was in S2 Authenticated mode.

Seeing that, I used “Smart Start” on the one I’d just done a firmware update on. I pulled the Air Gap, scanned the code. pushed the air gap.

And, like magic–This time, in under 5 min, it had connected in S2 mode (the dimmer was about 4" from the hub at this point in time).

That is very strange. You may want to first try to do a factory reset on the dimmer by holding the config button down for 25 seconds. If that doesn’t work I would say to make sure that 1.48 got flashed correctly. Maybe even flash it again.

You probably already checked this, but make sure Hubitat is at the latest version as well.

I just checked my dimmer with 1.48 and I did not get that error in the log and it paired with S2.

Yes, I’m on the latest Hubitat version.

And, since it paired in S2 through SmartStart, I guess I’m good. I don’t really want to mess around with something that finally got working.

But, wanted to let you know about the issue.

I have 4 more of those that were supposed to arrive today through USPS–but, now, are “delayed” with no known arrival time (left Michigan Friday–but haven’t arrived anywhere yet. Hopefully the USPS truck didn’t get lost, stolen, or wrecked).

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