Where is LZW45 Light Strip Firmware?

I just installed the LZW45 light strip in Hubitat (C7 hub running The light strip is running firmware 1.20. I wanted to be sure that firmware version is the most current, but I don’t see the LZW45 firmware version listed under the setup page:

or the firmware listing page:

So, what is the current firmware, and if I should be upgrading to it, where is it?


I think 1.2 is the first and only. They discontinued the light strip for now due to the chip shortages to focus on their more profitable devices.

I have it installed, I was just trying to find out what the current firmware version was, and if I needed to upgrade. BTW, the LZW45 is not listed on the Firmware page (and I checked both pages).

As of right now, 1.20 is the only firmware version available, and it is preinstalled on all devices. It can be found here if you need it for some reason.

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Thanks for the link.

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