Zigbee 2-1 Switch (On/Off & Dimmer) | Project New Horizon (Blue Series)

Super easy on HA for the reds:


@Eric_Inovelli Great to hear it works with ceiling fans as well, that is super impressive!

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Thanks chack and @kreene1987, I ended going with the sonoff one since it is so cheap and supports both zha and zigbee2mqtt. which is the route I am going to be going once Inovelli starts selling their switches.

Looks like I am going to end up having both zwave and zigbee switches, but at least it will look the same.


Well just another reason to buy a home assistant yellow.
Thank you @kreene1987


@Eric_Inovelli I can not wait for the Zigbee switch to be released. The one question I have and please forgive me if it been answer above: Will your zigbee switch be matter and thread compliant?

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I’ve been searching for quality switches/dimmers/fan control for months, and just recently found your company (probably because the lack of stock on amazon which I understand now). But after a bunch of forum reading of comments (which I love how active and responsive you are) I’ve discovered your new Blue line plans for zigbee. I currently run both with Home Assistant, but have really been disappointed in all the other products I’ve tried, which is by no means all of them.

But what I’d really like to add, is I wish it had been easier to see and find this information. Your entire home page should be quick links and announcements of the new Zigbee Blue line. I’ve been trying to follow inventory changes for a while now with no luck because I hadn’t read all these comments in the forums. If I had found a bit of stock and then realized that Zigbee was coming I would have been pretty frustrated. I hope you can update your home page to be clear on your upcoming line, I’ll gladly wait for what looks to be like a fantastic product, from a company who communicates and is actively supporting home assistant. I’m glad I didn’t give up and just buy some of the other products that “work” but don’t meet all my needs.

I hope you send out an announcement if you open a pre-order as well. And I hope a zigbee blue 5-button switch is coming as well!


I hope you send out an announcement if you open a pre-order as well. And I hope a zigbee blue 5-button switch is coming as well!

Yes to pre-order announcement and yes to a scene controller. I have a few blank wall switches that could really use a scene controller that’s not ugly.

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I think the worst part of this open method of product development is the anticipation. It is so hard to wait, and on top of that I am in Canada, so I have to wait for them to make their way up here.

Been following along for a couple months now but just made an account to comment. Great news about the pre-order being a “thing.” I am currently running Home Assistant on a Pi4. I have a hodge-podge of wifi outlets, an old smartlinc hub and a couple of switches that work with it and decently with Home Assistant.

But, I jumped on the Home Assistant Yellow crowd funding so will have one of those in a month or 2. I also have a bunch of different light switches and outlet covers of varying styles as we’ve remodeled portions of our home over the years. I want to go all in on replacing everything with a uniform look. I’ll have a zigbee radio on the Yellow, so that lead me here. I’m down for a preorder of 30 of the new Blue switches to cover my whole set up. Looking forward to when that goes live so I can place the order. It’s been fun to catch up on this thread and follow along.

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I would love to hear your opinion after you have had it for a month or two.

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Yeah! I just got the official specs and looks like it will be only 1A rated for ceiling fans. So, likely we’ll be steering people to the dedicated fan switch as it would offer speed levels too (this one is only on/off).

Great question – and apologies if I screw this up as I still am hazy on the difference between Thread/Matter. My understanding is that ZigBee/Thread are different protocols that can both be converted to Matter. I don’t have the technical background to give an accurate answer though lol.

This switch (ZigBee) will have the ability to convert to Matter, but I don’t think it will have the ability to convert to Thread. We are exploring a dedicated Thread switch, but to be frank, it’s been very difficult to work with Apple (the reason we were exploring Thread) so it’s been on the backburner while we focus on ZigBee.

Yeah great feedback, I’ve been meaning to put this up on the site. I guess I’ve just been gun-shy based on the 5-Button pre-order debacle. But, I think it’s pretty safe to say this will be launching in the next couple months. I’m also waiting on the hype video to be completed (hopefully any day).

The other reason we’ve been hesitant is there is only 4 of us here now and whenever we put something up on the site, we get flooded with customer service tickets inquiring about the product (which is good, don’t get me wrong, but it can be overwhelming).

I’ll aim for next week to get this up and on the site as we should definitely start turning on the marketing!

Thanks for the kind words, it means a lot :slight_smile:


You could put a link to this thread in the post, something like:

“Thoughts? Questions? Want more information? Check out our community post and join the conversation.”

That might pare down the ticket volume.

The way I have come to understand this is thread and zigbee are like Wi-Fi they are the structure that is developed to pass information. Matter is like HTML it is the “language” that is passed.

Think of it like a radio station, the transmitter and the radio in your car are like thread. Matter is the language the DJ is speaking.

I would be careful in your wording here. I just checked the github repository for matter, I didn’t see zigbee listed. Both Zigbee and Thread use an 802.15.4 radio, so as long as there is enough memory, (for OTA, two times the size of the firmware) the Zigbee radio can be updated to Thread. From what my understanding is, it is this the makes or breaks its compliance.

Also, sorry for two posts for the same quote, I just thought it would be too confusing if I put them in one.

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Going to agree with jrperry’s understanding of Thread and Matter. Based on this white paper, I’m assuming that if the hardware can be OTA updated it would be between Zigbee and Thread, and support for Matter would come through the Thread version?

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@Darwyn_Inovelli - can you answer this question?


Very brief update while we wait for the engineers to come back from CNY.

Version 2 of the hype video was released this morning – I’m really loving where it’s going!

Link: Hype Video V2
(I know it says V1 in the hyperlink, but it’s really V2).

Some of the shots are hazy because they are just placeholders for my approval – during the final rendering they will be hi-res.

Some of the taglines will be changed too :slight_smile: .


I am so excited reading all of the developments here. Count me in for a pre-order when it’s ready or a beta test if you’re still looking for more feedback. I’m amazed at what I’m seeing :slight_smile:

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That’s pretty amazing from the previous concept video, excited for the finished version!

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