ZigBee Fan Switch | Project Zephyr (Blue Series)

Project Update: I just updated the project and good news, we’ve made the deposit on tooling and we should have 3D renders by the end of next week. As for how the switch works in a 3-Way setting, we went back and forth, but ultimately decided to accept the design of it only working with an aux switch. Here’s why:

It would add an extra $1-2 to the design

In most houses we’ve seen (including our own) the 3-Way scenarios are non-dedicated fan only setups. In other words, if there is a 3-Way setup, it’s typically a situation where the switch controls both the fan and light and this switch is designed for controlling the fan only.

In the rare case you have a fan only switch on one side and a fan only switch on the other side, we figured the user experience would be that you’d want to control the fan speed from both sides and if you keep a dumb switch, you’d only have on/off control

We figured it would be more beneficial to have non-neutral compatibility and paid the extra for that feature (still confirming this is possible, but early signs point to yes) vs the dumb switch compatibility in a 3-Way