Zigbee Motion Switch | Project Linus (Blue Series)

Or I need to worry about the damn milkman too! LOL

With the addition of ZWave to the stretch goal for these switches, does that mean that the inclusion of a Lux sensor is more or less likley? I know its extra complexity and cost, but it is a nice feature to help with room scenes (brighness, color, etc) for when presense is detected.

@Eric_Inovelli, being that you added Z-Wave do we have a choice in which we get. I would rather have Z-Wave over zigbee but I am good with either if I have no choice (I backed the zigbee but 95% of my devices are Z-Wave)?

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@Sky320 per the update


@harjms thanks for pointing out my inability to read! :rofl: I missed that thank you for the reply.

Iā€™m still pushing for it. The cost is actually not that much extra and honestly the only reason I canā€™t promise it is because of the complexity it may bring. Iā€™m just not sure if we can pull it off from a PCB design standpoint.

In other words, itā€™s more of a functionality/design issue vs a cost issue. I really want it personally too, especially for circadian rhythm type automations.

Yeah you can certain switch if youā€™d like. There will be a small fee per unit to cover the additional cost for Z-Wave (MSRP is $10 higher, but those whoā€™ve invested early weā€™re only charging $4). Just reach out to customer support (or just PM me) and we can take care of it.

Edit: Just read @harjms comment ā€“ heā€™s correct lol

@Eric_Inovelli I noticed that the campaign is coming to a close, but thereā€™s a note about ignoring the days left because youā€™re extending it for the Z-Wave stretch goal (YAS!).

Is there a reason you canā€™t change the deadline directly in Indigogo? https://support.indiegogo.com/hc/en-us/articles/216112178-Deadlines

Great question ā€“ yes, I was looking into this and I wasnā€™t clear if you extended the deadline if that meant your funding would have to wait until the deadline ends.

Weā€™d like to get started on the Zigbee portion ASAP (which requires a downpayment to the manufacturer) and we can only get the funding from Indiegogo once the campaign ends.

So, if we extend the campaign, then I think weā€™d also be extending the time for funds to be released.

Whereas if we did InDemand: InDemand - Indiegogo | How it Works ā€“ it would allow the funds to be released and allow us to keep the campaign open as long as we want.

Hopefully that makes sense?

Ah yes, that makes sense. Definitely wasnā€™t clear from the update on the campaign. Thanks! Looking forward to this being a huge success!

Lol on the video :rofl:

You really need to go play portal. Itā€™s worth it just for the snark.

Few questions,

  1. What would happen if multiple mmWave overlap? Modern houses with open floor plans have large spaces that I assume would be hard to cover with a single sensor. Would be interesting to be able to use multiple in a single spaceā€¦ Mesh like.

  2. I assume the mmWave could be enabled and disabled? Just thinking if I install multiple into a space to play around with location etc.

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Depending on the automation platform youā€™re using you can setup groups for multiple mmwave sensors in a single space. Groups are always more powerful because their state can be controlled by multiple inputs. Say you have 3 mmwave sensors in your living room, but your fav spot on the couch is only in the right angle for one of them, your group state can still be on.

Iā€™d worry about the interference though. Iā€™ll have to play around with it

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I donā€™t think itā€™ll be an issue. Iā€™ve got a couple FP1ā€™s in the same room in my basement and they donā€™t seem to interfere with each other. I know thatā€™s not a huge sample size though so donā€™t take that as an absolute fact.


Iā€™m going to order some to play with.

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I think everybody is overcomplicating things based on the software of the Aqara.

In my mind, this functions as a simple ā€œpresence sensorā€ with ā€œdetectedā€ or ā€œnot detectedā€ as the reporting. Having settings to adjust sensitivity, distance, and turn detection zones on/off would make it more useful, but it will probably still fall back to a simple sensor, due to limitations of zigbee/zwave and hub software.

This doesnā€™t really diminish the possibility of what you are asking for, you just do it through your automation platform. Your automations can link them together quite easily.


I just want to say I really hope a lux sensor can be integrated.


Will there be backer add-ons later? Iā€™d like to purchase 7 of these and wondering if I can purchase the 5 now and then add on two additional to ship with the same order. Iā€™m hoping to avoid having to fund 3 separate times and pay shipping each time.

Since a wall switch has its location dictated by the placement of the electrical box, being able to define ā€˜zonesā€™ would be very valuable. For example, I have a few locations that are at the end of a hallway ā€˜T junctionā€™. Iā€™d want walking past the end of the hallway not to register as motion, only if someone were to turn into the hallway itself, if that makes sense.

Since we have cats, it would also be helpful to be able to ignore motion close to the ground.

For PIR sensors, I have more freedom to locate the sensor where it has an appropriate ā€˜field of viewā€™. Iā€™ve also ā€˜maskedā€™ what the sensor sees with tape applied to the sensorā€™s cover, in some cases.

Respectfully, I think thereā€™s a lot of value in having more than a ā€˜simple presence sensorā€™ and closer to the Aqara mmWave sensors. I donā€™t see why individual zones couldnā€™t be exposed as multiple ā€˜motion sensorsā€™.