Yeah happy to give an update!
We received the pre-beta units a week or so ago and the goal of them is to lock down the look of them (hardware) so we can then open up tooling to get all the beta units sent out.
Here are the samples:
We decided to go with the, “Glow in the Dark” color (kidding, idk why they chose that)
For the most part, the hardware was great. There are a few things that needed to be changed which I’ll outline below:
- The height of the configuration button needs to match our current switch – right now, the depth of it is about half of what it should be
The config button also appears to be rounded vs ours is more square – same as the LED Bar diffusor is rounded off (particularly at the bottom)
The picture of ours looks a little rounded, but in reality it’s squared off, please refer to the samples we sent you
LED Diffuser shows a more pixelated view of the LED’s, whereas ours is smooth
The Ground Screw terminal is partially blocked by the metal plate that holds the ground screw into place making it impossible to insert a wire into the ground terminal
Screw plate slots are too big for the screw plates which is causing it to feel loose and it doesn’t get as much tension to spin the screw and will ultimately cause breakdown of the plastic since the edges are digging into the plastic (whereas with the current switch, there is no wiggle room which allows for more tension to turn the screw)
The screw plates are mismatched compared to our current ones (ours is on the right and yours is on the left). Our original supplier had this same issue (with rectangular plates) and they fixed it by making it square (the rectangle one caused stability issues). Please update to the square plate as per our samples given to you.

The biggest point of contention is the lux sensor. As you can see in the pic above, it’s basically a hollowed out section. To us, it looks unfinished and we’re afraid that when someone gets this switch, they’ll think the same thing. We asked if we could put some sort of cover over it that matches the LED Bar, but the problem then becomes that the lux reading would be inaccurate. In addition, it would cause complexity with production as it’s such a small part.
What we’ve considered is to either make the LED Bar longer so it’s just one piece, but that ended up looking a little strange and also they had concerns over the light from the LED bar causing inaccurate readings.
What we’ve settled on are a couple of options which are shown below:
We’re leaning towards the option on the left, but we haven’t heard if the option on the right is feasible yet. It’s more of a pin-hole size so it looks like it blends in more.
We should be wrapping up all the hardware changes this week and then I’ll have a more accurate timeline on when beta units will be in production.
The good news is the firmware has mostly been built so we didn’t really lose any time for building the firmware.
My best guess at this point is an April/May production, but I’ll have more info next week when the timeline is updated.
Hope that helps and I’m happy to answer any questions!