Zigbee Motion Switch | Project Linus (Blue Series)

If you want you can open a ticket just to let me know you want to switch! And I will get you added to the list when I get it done - hopefully next week!

Hi @Courtney_Inovelli, unfortunately that seems easier said than done, as the Ira bot makes it very challenging to open a ticket. I fought with it for 15 minutes or so and eventually was shown a form, which I submitted and received an email confirmation, with ā€œ#352: Order 43594ā€ in the header - is #352 my ticket ID? In any case, I forwarded the thread to contact@ (subject " Re: Hi there! This is Ira (Inovelli Robot Assistant) and Iā€™m here to anā€¦"), in case youā€™re able to locate it that way.

@Eric_Inovelli can probably help you with creating a Form to privately bring in these requests centrally to a spreadsheet without requiring a ticket.

Heā€™s done similar for other things

Or maybe get the orders into the shop (if itā€™ll then allow updates)?
I can see quite a few changes being requested once dates & specs firm up.
Also to allow additions, the colored paddles werenā€™t available for the initial Indiegogo orders - Iā€™d like to add some of those!

Or could the motion sensor be somehow ā€œpointedā€ more down? (or masked, or programmedā€¦)
In most cases, we could probably do without detecting anything much above switch level. I think Iā€™d prefer that to a missing 5ft of distance from the switch.

For the range exclusion, are you thinking weā€™d be able to set the exact distance to the near & far edges of the fan, or would you define the blocks (meters in your example)? If the exclusion is in those meter/yard predefined blocks, then a fan (~5ft) will be in at least 2 and often 3 of those blocks - so it could be a 9ft wide excluded region.


I think Iā€™m less concerned about the case where a fan is in the middle of the room than I am about being able to exclude a window in the room. If the switch faces a window, will the switch pick up leaves blowing in the wind as presence in the room?

Sounds like youā€™re voting for the range selection! The question about whether thatā€™s exact or in 1 meter predefined blocks still remains - differentiating between me breathing in my chair by the window vs leaves/grass moving outside is going to be a delicate balance. It sounds like glass does somewhat block mmWave detection (how much varies depending on the type of glass).


@Courtney_Inovelli Friendly check-in on this request. How should I go about updating my existing order?

Friendly bump on this.

Any updates on the technical progress of the switches? How does the timeline look now?

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Hey so we actually donā€™t have any sort of way right now to update the order as I havenā€™t set up a Microsoft form yet. My plan was to make one as soon as I get some firm dates from the manufacturer, which I just got the contract today.

I know I mentioned in an email Iā€™d be sending one out, and I havenā€™t stepped in this thread to clarify things, so thatā€™s where there is a lot of confusion.

I promise everyone will know when there is an official sheet for changing your order and I promise that when we get closer to the launch of the Zigbee variant, I will send out another email, but we still have plenty of time at this point, so letā€™s not stress out about it (easier said than done, I know).

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Yes, sorry ā€“ hereā€™s a quick update on the next milestone ā€“ we have a call tomorrow morning where I can confirm everything.

May 14 - Tooling is completed, beta samples are dispatched (set to arrive May 20th), ETL Certification starts (they donā€™t need the final firmware on it, they just need the final hardware).

So far, Eric M and I have been testing the alpha samples and have put any issues in GitHub. While there are still some bugs, overall the switch is performing well.

Weā€™ve allocated 1.5 months for beta testing ā€“ a little shorter than normal, but Eric and I have carried most of the weight so far in testing, so we feel we can iron out the final firmware in that timeline.

Trial production starts on June 19th where ETL will come out and verify the facility and ensure safety protocols are set in place.


Production is still set for July for Zigbee and Z-Wave and I havenā€™t heard any contradicting news in our weekly calls, so Iā€™m going off of that for now.


I just received the Matter contract this morning and am reviewing it with our COO so we can kick this off immediately. The hardware is the same aside from the chipset, so I donā€™t anticipate any delays there ā€“ I just am waiting for a firm date on firmware completion/testing.


Thanks Eric! I always appreciate the updates. The progress is exciting!

Any updates on how we can adjust the mmWave FOV/distance and exclude common sources of disturbances like fans? Sensor accuracy (including the ability to exclude things like fans or a hallway/window outside the room) will make or break the experience.

Will the matter switch still have the limitation that parameter changes canā€™t be made from the controller?

I havenā€™t heard of this limitation at all, for any products. Do you have any details on it?

It was on a table somewhere with differences between the zwave, matter, and zigbee versions. Iā€™m not sure where I saw it originally.

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See White Series LED Color Changes for some details around it.

I think youā€™re referring to this table:

See the ā€œParameter changes supported at the hubā€ lines. According to the documentation for the White series, parameters canā€™t be changed via the hub. The LED bar can be changed from the hub; however, this is because itā€™s technically not a parameter. Itā€™s an endpoint.

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Thanks all for the info. I wasnā€™t aware of this for the matter series. Maybe Iā€™m missing something, but not being able to make parameter changes from the hub (HA) in my instance is a pretty big problem, no? Iā€™ve got at least 50 red series dimmers in my house and if I had to walk around to each switch and do the paddle shuffle every time I needed/wanted to change a parameterā€¦ Well, I wouldnā€™t have 50 red series dimmers.

I will say it loudly for those who have not been keeping a close eye on it:
Matter may be the future, but it is not realistically here today, and it may never be. Donā€™t buy something critical with a hope that it might someday, do what you expected from the beginning

Every in depth Matter review by neutral party has found it worse that most existing offerings. It is being built by a massive committee, that has major conflicts between their goals, and is moving very slowly due to that.

The great thing about Matter is that it does not allow proprietary extensions. The horrible thing about Matter is that it is therefore not at all extensible, and you cannot offer new features that have not been approved by the above committee. Most Matter products on the market are actually proprietary protocol first, with required manufacturer apps to make their special features work. Then, you use Matter as a secondary layer so that basic on/off functionality reported natively in Apple HomeKit or whatever other Matter hub you are using.

Inovelli made the noble/cheap choice not to build their own proprietary layer for their Matter switches. Therefore, you need to do all advanced config on the switches themselves. Someday, there may be support in Matter for advanced config (Z-Wave deals with it in a pretty good way), and this might be fixed. But it might never be.