So there is something irregular in the wiring you’ve described. It’s easily fixable. I’ll describe what is likely incorrect so you can adapt when you install the smart switches.
In a normal line in one box, load in the other 4-way, you have an incoming 2-wire hot/neutral in one box and a 2-wire load going to the light in the box on the other end. In between the boxes are 3-wires and all three conductors are used.
Wired properly and starting at the line box, the black hot from the 2-wire should be wired to the switch and the neutral should be wired to the white on the 3-wire. This is so the neutral from the proper branch circuit can be passed along and end at the light. In your case, however, doesn’t sound as if this is being done, since only 2 or the 3 conductors in the 3-wires are being used.
At the load box, you describe that the neutral being sent up to the light is provided by a neutral bundle in the load box. The problem with this is there is a pretty good probablility that the neutral in the load box doesn’t belong to the same branch circuit as the hot in the box at the other end. Using a neutral from a different branch circuit can pose a significant safety issue and is prohibited by code for that reason.
When you are working in that load box, use caution as there may be more than one circuit in that box, meaning you need to flip more than one breaker. Use a non-contact voltage tester.
To fix this with the existing dumb switches, at the line box use the white to send the neutral to the load box, rewiring to use the black and red as travelers. At the load box, remove the neutral going to the load from the bundle and use the neutral being passed from the line box.
For the smart switches, the Inovelli would go in the load box with Aux or dumb in the other two, following the standard line/load wiring diagram.
If there is a hot/neutral in the load box, possibly from a different circuit than what’s being used presently, you can probably put the Inovelli in there as well if it’s more convenient. That would be a line/load same box.