Blue fan Switch LED brightness

I have been using the Blue Fan switch in my living room, and am considering putting one in the bedrooms. One thing that I don’t like is the brightness of the LED since it’s always on when the fan is on. Any suggestions on how to configure the switch so that It isn’t so bright but yet I still can see what speed the fan is set to when I am trying to adjust it? I am using Home Assistant Yellow with ZHA and don’t see any brightness options in the various settings for the switch.

If you go to the device page > 3 vertical dots that are to the right of Reconfigure > Manage Zigbee device > Change to the Inovelli Cluster on Endpoint 1 > led_intensity_when_on (id: 0x0061) is the parameter you’re looking for. Play around with the brightness level to find what works for you from there by setting the value and hitting write attribute :slight_smile:

(0-100 as a range from off to 100% brightness)
