I’ve been replacing my switches slowly with the blue switches. I replaced the exhaust fan switch with a blue fan switch and was working on my second bathroom when I encountered a problem.
I’m getting power to the switch and it seems to be working fine, but it’s not turning on the exhaust fan. When I check the power connectors on the exhaust fan, I’m reading power so it seems like it’s working? The fan was working before I swapped the switch and Im wondering if I somehow burned out my fan. I did add a neutral wire to the neutral in the gang box that the old switch didn’t have.
The switch only controls the fan. It’s not connected to any other switches. The pictures are the new and old wiring.
Also, you stated that the switch is not connected to any other switch (so it’s a 2-way), but you have a conductor connected to the traveler terminal, which is used in multi-way installations. That doesn’t make any sense given your configuration.
Also, is that old switch a double switch? i.e. two switches in a single gang. It looks like a Broan P68W. Please post a picture of the front of the switch.
The old switch was a double paddle. It was weird because it only ever controlled the exhaust fan. I thought maybe it was set up that way because it was wired for a fan with a light, but it doesn’t have one. The fan is a Broan, not sure on the model number but it’s below.
Okay, so you more than likely have a three-wire running up to the fan. It’s entirely possible the second switch was wired for the light but just not wired on the fan side.
Test to determine which of the two conductors of the three-wire powers the fan. That conductor goes to the load terminal on the switch. Remove the conductor from the traveler terminal. Cap off the unused wire in the switch box.
That fixed it. It was configured one way in one bathroom, but the traveler and load were switched in this bathroom. No idea why it was set up that way.
To be clear, since this is a 2-way switch, there is no traveler. The other conductor is probably for the non-existent light. I’d remove it from the traveler terminal and cap it off.