I currently have a ceiling fan wired to a 2 gang switch with regular light switches controlling power (on/off) to the lights and the fan. I have switched out the fan bulbs for zigbee smart bulbs. Currently, we just leave the light switch always in the ON position for the lights and control them through Home Assistant.
Would the innovelli light switch allow me to swap out the dumb light switch and have a physical on/off that doesn’t actually cut power to the bulbs? Sorry if this sounds really dumb - but that’s what I’m looking for.
Yep, swap out the dumb switch controlling the bulbs with an Inovelli Blue dimmer. Put the dimmer in the Smart Bulb Mode, which will ensure that the dimmer constantly puts out full power in that paddle presses will not cut power to the bulbs.
You can bind the dimmer to the bulbs to control them via the switch. Alternatively, you can use the multi-tap capability of the switch to control the bulbs through automations.
So I just got my ceiling fan switch and installed it. Working beautifully! These switches are fantastic. I first replaced all my bulbs with smart bulbs and am just now getting into the smart switching. I totally should have done it the other way because these switches make it so easy!