To my knowledge, ST doesn’t have a button “released” event, but you could make it “button X pushed (or held)” or something, which is I think exactly what you were saying Eric said in post 6. But the other trick would be to get ST to do something with those events. Hubitat has a startLevelChange(up)
and startLevelChange(down)
command you can use, paired with a stopLevelChange
command; typical use would be to call one of the first two on a hold up or down and the second on release. This simulates a “real” dimmer where holding the paddle dims the load while held (except it sends software commands to the bulbs to do that instead). I’m not sure if there are are similar commands on ST (or if you could fake it with webCoRE or similar), but again, with the cloud latency, I’m not sure how reliable it would be.
On Hubitat, I find it to work quite well with Hue bulbs. I don’t do it much—I mostly rely on automations and Hue scenes to get where I want—but it works about as I expect. I am a little worried, as I mentioned above, about using these bulbs with the dimmers, though. It seems like they’re acting a bit funny (flickering when turned on—all via commands to Hue, not the Inovelli dimmer which is always on with local control disabled). I would have used the switches but wanted the bigger LED notification bar, and I figured they’d act identical when the relay or local control was disabled. Still wondering if anyone else has that problem, and I might start a thread soon if a search doesn’t reveal anything.