Control LEDs and LED Effects on Inovelli Dimmers, Switches, and Combo Fan / Lights by Area, Device, or Entity in Home Assistant

I’ve written a Home Assistant script to set LEDs and LED effects on Inovelli dimmers, switches, and combo fan / light dimmers. It’s possible to set every Inovelli device in an area (i.e. ‘Upstairs’), or in a device (which is easy to template from an automation’s, or by entity. It’ll also accept any combination of area, device, and entity as well as any combination of Inovelli models. Different devices can be set simultaneously, so the script doesn’t need to be called multiple times by an automation—we’ll just set everything at once.

Notification effect examples:

service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
  area: 'Family Room' # This can also be an idea ID, if you're using a template.
  duration: Forever
  effect: CHASE
  brightness: 8
  color: Teal
service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
  entity: fan.front_porch
  effect: pulse
  brightness: 8
  color: red

Clearing the above effects

service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
  area: 'Family Room'
  entity: fan.front_porch

LED color example:

service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
  LEDcolor: blue
  LEDbrightness: 7
  LEDbrightness_off: 3

LEDbrightness_off example: (maybe part of a nighttime routine?)

service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
  LEDbrightness_off: 2

Thanks for sharing. I’ll check it out later.

Using the new “areas()” function introduced in Home Assistant 2023.04 when “area: all” is passed to the script. It will identify all areas in your home and find all compatible Inovelli devices to apply the settings to.

service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
area: all
LEDcolor: Red
LEDbrightness: 3
LEDbrightness_off: 1

The devices selector was also updated with an improved filter so that ONLY compatible devices are offered. I wish I could get the area and entity selectors more precisely tuned, but it doesn’t seem to be possible (Area Selector Device Does Not Limit Selector Options - script - Home Assistant Community).

  • Adding support for Inovelli’s “Blue Series” devices, thanks to smenzer!
  • Adding support for devices in groups, thanks to smenzer! These groups can be of the light.* or group.* domain, and any combo of Blue or Red series switches, dimmers, or fan / light combo devices.
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