Correct non neutral switch

I need a non neutral on/off switch that will control a 500w LED light through a smartthings hub. Which is the correct switch to purchase?


@carlv123 - The On/Off Switch does not support non-neutral setups. The dimmer model does support non-neutral setups, but can support up to 600 watts. Model: LZW31. If you want Scenes and Notifications: LZW31-SN.

Is the LED really 500 watts? That seems like a lot for LED lighting. From what I can see, the Red Dimmer and Black Dimmer have different maximums, so unless my links below are out of date, you may need the Black Dimmer for a full 500 watts with no neutral.

LZW31-SN (Red series Dimmer)

LZW-31 (Black series Dimmer)