[DEVICE PAGE] Inovelli 4-in-1 motion sensor LZW60

Hey Eric, I played around with this in Vera for a few hours and can reliably get motion by including with this method:

  1. Start the inclusion process in Vera choosing Sensors -> Aeon 4-in-1 sensor as device type and single-clicking on the action button. The parent device will come in as a “D_GenericIO1” device.
  2. Once the device is included, please wait for all children nodes to show up. You’ll have no readings yet. Don’t worry, they’ll come in with their correct device types.
  3. Select the new Parent device (not the child sensors that start like _Temperature Sensor), then click on Advanced.
  4. Go to the Params tab and make the following changes (copy and paste into the appropriate fields):
  • device_type: urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:MotionSensor:1
  • device_file: D_MotionSensor1.xml
  • device_json: D_MotionSensor1.json
  1. Give it a couple of minutes. Wait. Do not do anything – for like 5 minutes. Please…
  2. Reboot your Vera
  3. When it’s back online, press the configure button on the back of the Inovelli 4-in-1 three times quickly. Don’t do anything in the Vera hub – nothing.
  4. Wait for a period of time (I can’t tell you because I got distracted for 2 hours) and everything should show up working.

Motion works after performing these steps.