Fan Switch | Project Windy City - ON HOLD

Well, I have some good news, and I have some par for the course news…

Par for the course news is this project is unfortunately still on hold until we work things out with our current manufacturer (who produces Z-Wave), but those problems should go away within a month or so – wish I could disclose more, but just know they will be going away so we should be able to start talking about a Z-Wave fan switch.

The good news is that we’ve officially kicked off Project Zephyr which will be a ZigBee/Matter switch with our other manufacturer as they’re more apt to play ball with us right now. Hopefully, once the R&D is done on the ZigBee/Matter switch, we can simply add Z-Wave to it and speed along the process.

So, indirectly this project is getting revived, it will just be a ZigBee/Matter switch first, followed by Z-Wave.