How do I go back to a previous firmware (red series dimmer)?

Hello - I updated to 1.44 on my Red series dimmer switch (LZW31-SN) to fix the persistent notification issue and I now need to revert to 1.35 because of the flickering. Is there any way to “downgrade”? I can’t find the 1.35 firmware files on the site.

If a downgrade is not possible, are there any workarounds for to prevent the flickering?

UPDATE: Found the link to 1.35 ( Is it safe to “downgrade”? I am on Hubitat so will be using @bcopeland’s driver/app

I managed a down grade on a switch. Didn’t blow up or stop working. Did you manage to upgrade the .bin file when upgrading to 1.44?

No I did not upgrade the .bin file. The Z Wave Updater tool (I believe) only works with the OTA link? Not sure what the process is for Hubitat devices :thinking:

Good to know. Will try it out on one switch and hope that it works.

@rakeshg - I use a usb z wave and PC controller to upgrade both files.

I thought the flickering was attributed to the .bin file only. So this is interesting. @EricM_Inovelli can you confirm?

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Yeah - I’m on a Mac. I do have a VM for Windows (Parallels) but I thought I read that the Z-Wave sticks don’t work too well on VM.

Well - I’m definitely getting flickering. It’s sporadic (about every 4-5 minutes, almost like when a heavy load kicks in). But annoying enough that I need it to go away!

Downgrade to v1.35 worked. Hopefully, the flicker will be fixed…

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Good data point @EricM_Inovelli.

Unfortunately, the flicker is still there with 1.35. Not sure why it wasn’t there before (or did we just not notice it)?

@harjms @EricM_Inovelli - this is going to sound really strange but I changed the power reporting parameters 18 and 20 to “100” and the flicker seems to have gone away. Previously, I had “Active Power Reports” (I think that is parameter 18) set to “0” (disable) but I was getting a power report in the log every second.

Log Details

dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:20.888 am infoKitchen Switch: Firmware report received: 1.35
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:20.634 am infoKitchen Switch: Firmware report received: 1.35
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:20.584 am infoKitchen Switch: No Protection command class settings to update
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:20.559 am infoKitchen Switch: There are no association actions to complete for group 1
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:20.407 am infoKitchen Switch: updated()
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:19.618 am infoKitchen Switch: parameter ‘20’ with a byte size of ‘1’ is set to ‘100’
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:17.616 am infoKitchen Switch: parameter ‘18’ with a byte size of ‘1’ is set to ‘100’
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:16.389 am infoKitchen Switch: No Protection command class settings to update
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:16.386 am infoKitchen Switch: Power report received with value of 34.9 W
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:16.384 am infoKitchen Switch: Retreiving value of parameter 20
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:16.382 am infoKitchen Switch: Setting parameter 20 with a size of 1 bytes to 100
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:16.376 am infoKitchen Switch: Retreiving value of parameter 18
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:16.372 am infoKitchen Switch: Setting parameter 18 with a size of 1 bytes to 100
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:16.349 am infoKitchen Switch: There are no association actions to complete for group 1
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:16.222 am infoKitchen Switch: updated()
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:15.417 am infoKitchen Switch: Power report received with value of 34.9 W
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:14.405 am infoKitchen Switch: Power report received with value of 34.9 W
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:13.521 am infoKitchen Switch: Power report received with value of 35.6 W
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:12.498 am infoKitchen Switch: Power report received with value of 34.9 W
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:11.496 am infoKitchen Switch: Power report received with value of 34.9 W
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:10.471 am infoKitchen Switch: Power report received with value of 35.6 W
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:09.469 am infoKitchen Switch: Power report received with value of 34.9 W
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:08.596 am infoKitchen Switch: Power report received with value of 34.9 W
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:07.590 am infoKitchen Switch: Power report received with value of 34.9 W
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:06.617 am infoKitchen Switch: Power report received with value of 35.6 W
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:05.605 am infoKitchen Switch: Power report received with value of 34.9 W
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:04.572 am infoKitchen Switch: Power report received with value of 34.9 W
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:03.689 am infoKitchen Switch: Power report received with value of 34.9 W
dev:1342020-06-22 09:02:02.701 am infoKitchen Switch: Power report received with value of 35.6 W

After changing the parameters I have not seen the flicker. Thoughts on this?

@rakeshg - Interesting for sure; more data for input. I believe the firmware developer for the .bin file found some issues with the reporting parameters causing it to cycle more (or flicker); not 100% on the terminology; however, you didn’t flash your .bin file so I’m wondering how any of this is being caused.

With that being said, I have a set of lights that are still flickering on 1.44 that I will try this on this evening to see if I see same results for 1.44. My other light that was flickering on 1.44 was resolved with the latest .bin firmware.

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@harjms - I’m not sure either. I was trying to remember the sequence of events and as far as I recall, when the switches were on the original firmware (1.35), I had the default settings for power reporting. I think I changed the setting (parameter 18) to “0” after upgrading to 1.44 in order to minimize the noise in the log. However, the “0” setting (disable) seems to have had no effect and also that was when I noticed the flickering with 1.44. Downgraded to 1.35 yesterday and I think it retained the parameter setting and I noticed the flickering under 1.35 as well.

UPDATE: Just remembered - there was one other setting that I had changed and I turned off “Informational Logging” after upgrading to 1.44. Not sure if that would have mattered, but it was only after I turned it back on today (post downgrade to 1.35) that I noticed that power reporting was not in fact disabled and I was getting an entry every second. I now have “Informational Logging” turned on and the auto-disable setting turned off.

So far, after changing the settings, I haven’t seen any noticeable flickering. :crossed_fingers:t3:

Glad you got it figured out. The bin file has several fixes in place for energy reporting so my guess is that v1.44 with the older bin file + energy reporting set to 0 is causing problems.

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