How to enable multi tap and dimming on White switch

Which one?

The one Francesc0 just posted about the dimming match

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Check my original post and import the blueprint again. I rewrote it quite a bit and changed it to a new repo.

Thank you for making this for the community. Worked flawlessly.

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@francesc0 I have found with this approach that, for whatever reason, the automation triggers on a restart of HA. I haven’t yet tried to investigate it deeply. Do you see this also on your end?

Maybe ignore… I think I see that in your “blueprint” you’re specifying the state of the switch not moving from “unavailable/unknown.” I assume you’re doing it to avoid the restart problem.

Ignoring those states is included in the blueprint so that it doesn’t run when HA is starting up, when the device is connecting, if the device restarts. It helps ensure the automation runs and evaluates only real state changes.