Inovellie White 2-1 in a Switch Leg 3 way

Wiring the Inovelli into a 2 switch one light system. When the dumb switch in turned off the smart switch looses power. After investigating the wiring set up is in a switch leg. In the box with the smart switch. Of course all the grounds are together with a wire nut. The neutrals from the panel the light and the jumper wire from the neutral on the smart switch are together with a wire nut. The black wire from the light and the white wire from the dumb switch are together with wire nut. Dumb switch has the white on the common terminal and the red to the traveler terminal under the common and the black wire is the terminal on the other side. The smart switch has the black from the panel into line the red into load the neutral is the jumper to neutral and the other black wire is in the traveler terminal. I have set up the switch for now to be on/off and to be Multi-Way (toggle) configuration. So is there a way to get the dumb switch wired correctly to not turn off the smart switch? Would it work with and Aux switch? If I get an aux switch can I use the Invovelli in dimmer mode? Pictures are the old switches wired.

So this looks like a line and load in the same box. This box is the one in the picture below. The Inovelli goes in this box.

In the original wiring, the hot is being sent to the other box via the white on the 3-wire, which is why is it bundled to the two line black conductors. Remove the white from the bundle.

You’ll use the Inovelli wiring diagram below. Your non-load box dumb switch is wired differently, so you’ll have to adjust the colors based upon the difference between your wiring and the drawing.

This should be the wiring for the Inovelli leaving the dumb switch wiring as-is:

Line terminal: Either pigtail to the two load conductors or just use the two holes on the Inovelli.
Neutral terminal: Pigtail a white neutral

Load and traveler terminals: The black and red from the 3-wire. Doesn’t matter which is which as they are from the two non-common terminals on the other switch.

The white of the 3-wire is connected to the common terminal of the other dumb switch. In the Inovelli box, that needs to be bundled with the black from the 2-wire going to the load.

Neither of your boxes looks as if the switches were ever grounded. Pigtail bare conductors in each box and connect to the ground screws on the switches.

Yes, you can also use an Aux instead of a dumb switch. If you use an Aux, you can dim from the Aux.