For as long as I can recall, some of my Blue Series 2-1 Dimmers will periodically (and for only a split second) cut power to the lighting circuit they control when in smart bulb mode (which, of course, should always leave the circuit powered). I know this is happening because all my of smart bulbs on the particular circuit will instantaneously go into their “freshly powered on state” (which I have set to “previous”, but they all move to their default, very warm color temperature, which is why it’s very obvious). I think I have ~50 Blue dimmers and I can only confidently say that ~5 of them do this periodically. Could be many more, but because it happens rarely enough and the bulbs need to be in their “on” state to notice: all in all, I probably notice this happening about once per week. Also, the switches don’t appear to be rebooting when this happens.
Has anyone else experienced this with their Blue Dimmers? I don’t mind replacing the ones that are giving me issues, but wanted to ask this first in case there is somehow a fix out there or if this could be something else I’m not thinking of.
I’ve done, admittedly, very little troubleshooting here beyond ensuring firmware is updated and that the wiring at the switches is secure. My power at the house is very clean so I don’t think it’s on that side either. No other rhyme or reason to when this happens to correlate to anything like the AC starting up etc… it seems completely random.