Looking for wiring help (2 black / 1 red)

This is my first time trying to add a White switch to my house. My switch has two black and one red wire. I just want to make sure I’m doing this right. It’s a single pole switch that is the only one controlling this light.

I’m assuming the two black are just the line and should be joined together, but wanted to make sure.

Any help would be appreciated.

That is not a single pole switch, it’s a 3-way switch. Can’t see into your box well, but that looks like a 3-way switch leg. I know you don’t think there is another switch, but take another look. It’s also possible the other switch has been buried.

Huh, interesting.

It’s a recently added switch so I’m fairly certain there aren’t any other visible switches floating around. I suppose it’s possible they hid it in the soffit near the light. Not sure why they’d do that, but who knows.

I suppose that means I should just wire it up as a 3 way switch?

Not exactly. When you have a dumb switch three-way you just add two identical dumb switches.

However, when you add a Smart Switch, that switch needs to go in the box with the line. That can be either box, however, so it’s not that simple.

Additionally, three-way switches can have a number of topologies, line and load in the same box, line and load in different boxes, lights in the middle and a non-neutral configuration. The first step of provisioning a smart switches to figure out which topology you have.

Unfortunately, the easiest way for you to determine the topology is to find both switches so that all of the conductors can be examined and tested.

I would also take a look at the Inovelli wiring diagrams:

If you can’t find the other switch, it might be best to consult with an electrician since it’s going to take testing beyond what can be accomplished here by looking at conductors.