LZW31 Multi Tap Not Working

HAOS running on bare metal udoo bolt

  • Z-Wave JS addon version 0.4.4 & default Z-Wave integration
  • Zooz ZST39 LR firmware 1.20 hub
  • no MQTT set up & no Z-Wave JS UI

LZW31 came with firmware 1.30, once installed I added, updated firmware to 1.57

  • parameter 50 is set to 7
  • parameter 51 is set to on

I clicked all the tap actions on the switch, clicked re-interview, waited. Nothing new.

I clicked settings/devices/zwave/configure/remove device/start exclusion Tapped the config button 3x on the switch. Then re-added the switch. Nothing new.

I set up another switch very close to the hub and I am experiencing the same problem.

Interestingly, the device name is named “Black Series Dimmer” by default…

…Ok, is this user error?, this is a LZW31 (black series), not a LZW31-SN (red series), Does the black series support multi-tap?

If not, then why do I have parameters 50 and 51?

Parameter 51 specifically has the following description:

Physical On/Off Delay
The delay that occurs after pressing the physical button to turn the switch on/off is removed.
Consequently this also removes the following scenes: 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x tap. 1x tap and config button
scenes still work.