LZW36 Fan + Lights Modules for Sale

I have 6x Sealed LZW36 Fan + Light Modules, and 1x opened, but never installed LZW36 Fan + Light module for sale.

$80 each shipped. PayPal preferred.

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Do you still have any of these left?

I sure do. How many do you need?

I think I only need one.

I’ve got one for you.

I’m headed out of town tomorrow (7:00am flight), but I’ll be back late Wednesday night, so I could ship it out Thursday.

You’re welcome to hold off on payment until Thursday, I totally understand and won’t sell it out from under you.

Let me know if you’re still interested, and I’ll send you my PayPal address.

Yes, let’s hold off until you return. I’m actually headed out of town the following week on Tuesday so I want to make sure it either arrives before or after my return. I’m happy to work through payments for both our sakes with our travel. Feel free to DM me and we can shift to email if that is easier.


Hi @Jonesie! Do you still have any of your LZW36’s left? We just had a major leak in our house and it took out one of my LZW36 canopy modules.


Any left? I would really like to get 2.

I’m all out. Sorry.