LZW45 Home Assistant Calculator Issues... Help?

Ok I’ve been beating my head against a wall for week on this, I SWEAR this worked previously. I went to add led strip effects to my LZW45 LED strips using the Calculator Inovelli LED Strip Toolbox, but the parameters of 22 ,23, 24, and 30 are all rejected by HA
Screen Shot 2023-11-27 at 7.43.48 PM
I can see in Zwave JS that each of these parameters have multiple settings, rather than a single one.

I can see in the zwave JS docs there are multiple endpoints Z-Wave JS Config DB Browser and looking at the history of the config file node-zwave-js/packages/config/config/devices/0x031e/lzw45.json at master · zwave-js/node-zwave-js · GitHub I don’t see any major changes that might have broken things on my end. Does anyone have any ideas?

Use the service:


If I remember correctly the light strips require all the parameters to be set in a single call to work.

I thought I remembered this method working previously but I’m not having any luck

alias: Bulk Strip With Partial Params
  - service: zwave_js.bulk_set_partial_config_parameters
      parameter: "22"
      value: 10336
      device_id: be232b75ee6368c299856acad9a301d5
  - service: zwave_js.bulk_set_partial_config_parameters
      device_id: be232b75ee6368c299856acad9a301d5
      value: 25443
      parameter: "23"
  - service: zwave_js.bulk_set_partial_config_parameters
      device_id: be232b75ee6368c299856acad9a301d5
      parameter: "24"
      value: 257
  - service: zwave_js.bulk_set_partial_config_parameters
      device_id: be232b75ee6368c299856acad9a301d5
      value: 65791
      parameter: "30"
mode: single

This script is throwing the error
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I had previously written this “guide” on using multicast to set the LED bar across multiple reds and at that time you could force add parameters to the switch using the bulkset partial param Instant Notifications All Switches Using Multicast on HA - #29 by garymcl
I can’t get it to work this time around, tomorrow I may try creating a custom config as some people did here Instant Notifications All Switches Using Multicast on HA - #29 by garymcl

ALSO, thanks for the great calculators Nathan, I have been using them for years!