That makes sense. If you’re not already familiar with them…
- Take a look at the blueprint I reference in this thread: Home Assistant, Red Switch, Thread Bulb (Nanoleaf) - #2 by jvm33 . It works when the switch is in smart mode and operates to set the bulb to a dimmer level established by the switch.
- Also take a look at this blueprint: “inovelli_matter_switch_tap_sequences.yaml” here: GitHub - jvmahon/HomeAssistant-Tools
- And take a look a the Wiki writeup: Home · jvmahon/HomeAssistant-Tools Wiki · GitHub which gives more info. on how to set up the VTM31 tapping feature in Home Assistant (though the blueprint #2 is a shortcut for those who don’t want to learn the details of who it needs to be set up.