S2, Red On/Off, ZWaveJStoMQTT

okay, i am on the same version, and i checked the forced option and it worked.

Now I am a bit confused…

Bit of an update, tried forced on 1.22 switch and it didn’t work

The switch I got forced to work on is a 1.21 switch.

I got the second switch included, working on the 3rd switch

Third switch added with the force checked.

So what seem to work is checking force, then chekcing s2 auth and s0

I going to think on this and try to ask the zwave js people. this seems a bit odd for just device bug


When I tried force security and S2 Auth and S0 I still get no security. This was with the 1.21 firmware.

Edit: Did the same thing again and it worked. 1.21 firmware.

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