I’m setting up a bunch of smart bulbs in a large open space with several circuits, so I may end up with several 2-1 switches spread throughout the room, and/or a bunch of them side-by-side in a 4-gang switch box.
My first thought is: that’s a lot of LED bars! Displaying fancy colorful notifications on 4 switches that are right next to each other doesn’t seem terribly useful. Having so many LEDs on in the room could be visually distracting or annoying. (I’d make most of them Aux switches if I could, but can’t do that if they are separate circuits.)
I’d love to know how everyone configures their switches in multi-gang setups — single LED mode, full bars, or LEDs disabled? Same or different colors? Notifications/effects on multiple switches or just one?
If you’ve decked out your room/house with several Inovelli switches please share photos!