Smart Fan Canopy Module White Wire From Current Receiver

I have a Fanimation FP8404 (has AC motor). The existing receiver has three wires to the fan unit:

  1. Blue - Light
  2. Black - To Motor L
  3. White - To Motor N

Is the White Series Smart Fan Canopy Module compatible? i.e. is the white “To Motor N” not a neutral wire? I would guess not since it exists out of the receiver and is not just directly tied in to the neutral in?

FP8404 Manual:

CR500 Manual (Remote+Receiver):

That white going to the motor should be the neutral. If you look at the paragraph below the drawing you posted it refers to the receiver being marked “TO MOTOR N” and “TO MOTOR L”, which presumably is line and neutral.

Remove that module and wire the canopy in its place.