Tried to cancel my order - your AI support chat....leaves a bit to be desired

Can someone please contact me about canceling a couple of orders? I bought 5 AUX switches on one order and 1 2-1 on/off switch on another. But after getting a dimmer switch, I’m completely in love with these switches and now want to make an order of 10 blue dimmers (in addition to the 10 I’ve already bought). But, your order canceling process is broken (changed from the instructions) and your AI chat bot keeps cock-blocking me from talking to anyone there.
It tells me I can cancel using these instructions: Canceling, Editing & Reordering Existing Orders | Inovelli Help Center. Which don’t work and then shuts down the chat conversation.

Please help me spend even more money with your company… :slight_smile:

Tagging @Lance_Inovelli

you can try contacting them via facebook. I have had good luck there.

Hey @matt.hoski - sorry about that. I’ll take a look at the AI bot tomorrow and see what the issue is.

If you want to send an email to [email protected], it will create a ticket and Lance or Kaleb can help!

Or, I believe (unless something is broken again) you can bypass the robot by saying you want to talk to a live agent and I think it will give you an option to fill out a ticket.

Thanks for letting me know about this!

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I thought I’d come back and update this thread for anyone who comes across it. Customer support was awesome. I got my original orders refunded and a new order put in immediately. Thanks again!