Trouble with non-neutral momentary switch setup

I had set parameter 21 to non-neutral.

I decided to do some troubleshooting and disable the auxillary switch via the config parameters. After changing the switch type parameter back to single pole, I was able to disable the auxillary switch. After doing this, the issue I encountered when attempting to switch off the light resolved itself.

In this current configuration, it appears to be operating fine other than the fact that the auxilary switch is now disabled. I’m starting to wonder if the auxilary switch I had chosen, the Enerwave ZW3K-N simply cannot be supported for non-neutral setups.

I had assumed it would work, as there was reports of success such as from here: Dumb switch for 3 or 4 way setups? - #6 by Automate. However, it was with a different configuration. I have a Honeywell by Jasco Aux switch elsewhere in the house. I’ll try swapping it out and seeing if that one has better success.

Thank you for your help thus far.