In terms of updating documentation for, Knowledge Base Redirect – Inovelli, here is how I just set it up but I am still missing once piece so this post is mostly to confirm I made it this far correctly (if so, my post helps others understand) and to get the final improvement I am looking for.
Hallway Dimmer Load (switch A from the wiring diagram)
1 - Installed according to diagram and added to Habitat while ensuring security is at S0
2 - Association Behavior When… = 11
3 - Did NOT set a value for Switch Type
4 - Personal preferences (ramp rate =0, Min level = 39, state after power restored = 100)
Hallway Dimmer (switch B from the wiring diagram) (will be the device I add to google for voice commands)
1 - Installed according to diagram and added to Habitat while ensuring security is at S0
2 - Did NOT set a value for Switch Type
3 - Personal preferences (ramp rate =0, Min level = 39, state after power restored = 100)
Associations (some documentation say 2 comments say 3 so I did them both to be safe)
1 - Source Hallway Dimmer, Destination Hallway Dimmer Load, Group 2
2 - Source Hallway Dimmer, Destination Hallway Dimmer Load, Group 3
3 - Source Hallway Dimmer, Destination Hallway Dimmer Load, Group 4
I am happy to report with these instructions everything is working as expected when physically/google using hallway dimmer (lights work and hallway dimmer load LED is completely synced)
Only missing piece I have is when I physically use Hallway Dimmer Load the LED for hallway dimmer is not synced. Understanding slave/master associations I can understand this, but what is the workaround to get them to be synced when using the load dimmer (totally fine if needs a rule)