I have the Inovelli White Series Smart Dimmer
The manual says VTM31-SN
I would like to use the switch in a 3-way setup with smart bulbs.
The current setup does not use neutral wires. But the neutral wires are available in the wall box.
My question is about the existing dumb switch. It is currently not using the neutral wire.
Can I use the existing dumb switch without the neutral wire while the Inovelli Smart Dimmer uses the neutral wire?
Can the existing dumb switch use the neutral wire? (as this seems to be required in the wiring diagrams I have found on this site)
If the 2 previous questions are answered in the negative, should I get a different dumb switch that supports the neutral wire? (any suggestions on a model to get would be appreciated)
Thank you for following up. I was planning to install the Inovelli smart switch instead of the dumb dimmer switch and to leave the secondary dumb switch wired as it already is?
Would this be the right setup for my case?
I have installed the Inovelli Smart Switch White Series. I have set it up to smart bulb mode. The Inovelli switch works fine but the dumb switch in the 3-way setting is cutting power to the lights. How can I use the dumb switch without it cutting off power or disable it all together.
IIRC, unfortuntely the dumb switch doesn’t work well with SBM and will still cut power as you describe. One alternative is to switch to an Aux switch.
I can’t see into one of your boxes that well, but from what I can see that looks like a neutral config line and load in separate boxes. If that is the case and you want to remove the dumb switch from the equation, you’ll have to do the following:
1 - Remove the traveler conductor from the Inovelli
2- Identify the conductor from the 3-wire in the dumb switch box that is connected to the Load terminal on the Inovelli. In the dumb switch box, remove that conductor from the switch and wire nut it together with the black of the 2-wire, which is the switch hot conductor going to the light.
TLDR: Remove the traveler from the Inovelli. Send the switched load from the Inovelli to the 2-wire hot conductor in the other box.