Z-Wave 5-Button Scene Controller + Dimmer Switch | Project Limitless

Because it IS an 80s video?? Lol


Safe to say that the load can be turned off then? So, you could use it strictly as a scene controller without a load? Also, if you have a load you could set it to switch mode so that it doesn’t dim?

Correct on both accounts :slight_smile:

No load is required if you have a neutral wire (all you need is a line and neutral). If you don’t have a neutral, then you will need to attach to a load.

Yes, you can make the switch come on instantly like an on/off switch.

Great questions!


@Eric_Inovelli can you clarify or summarize the behavior in the OP. I see some conflicting info. From what I understand you can use it as a dimmer or on/off in neutral or non-neutral. It can also be used as a fan controller with a neutral. What is the maximum fan load?

why don’t you use a simple OLED display. Then people can select icons at will … those things are dirt cheap ( cheaper than 5 led’s … )
You can position the display vertical the plastic buttons would have a transparent overlay to allow the display to shine through. You need two pieces of plastic : one white one that acts as actuator for the pushbutton, and a lexan one that overlays the white one and goes over the oled.

@Eric_Inovelli - I may have missed it, but if you don’t have a load attached, can you configure it to be an additional set of scene buttons? E.g. Down button = button 4 pressed; Up button = button 5 pressed

Since the preorder page lists 35 scenes, and there are a maximum of 7 scenes per button in the current zwave spec (1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, hold, release), my assumption is that the up and down buttons will support the full range of scenes (5 buttons * 7 scenes per button = 35 scenes total)

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Yes, this is correct.

This is correct as well.

Not sure yet – we’re still in the early stages of this one. @anon14959390 have we heard on this one yet?

I would imagine it requires a neutral wire for the fan due to the inductive load. I’m not sure if an inductive load can, “leak” current/voltage (not sure on the correct term) like a light-bulb can.

What @jtronicus said :slight_smile:

I actually learned there’s like 60+ scenes available but I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. From what I understand from @EricM_Inovelli you can hold down on one of the remote buttons and then use the dimming buttons for additional scenes. But, at the very least there’s 35 so we put that on the pre-order page.


That’s cool. Are there two different circuits to handle the inductive and resistive loads? Curious how a dimmer can handle an inductive load.

:astonished: Shots…Fired! :astonished:

Not yet. Plan to have this answer soon.

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There are different scenes from the up & down buttons based on which of the top 3 buttons are selected so there are more than 35.

Show off.


Will this have the same dimming guts of the red series dimmers? From what I understand, even with a neutral in the box, the red series doesn’t play nicely with certain led fixtures like the Lithonia Wafer lights. Although I haven’t tried it yet… Just what I’ve read from other forums.

Yes, these will be mosfet dimming. Not triac. The mosfet driver is what is required to work in the non-neutral scenario.

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Question about the UL listing comparison in this chart… You (Inovelli) don’t actually name the competitor, but it seems pretty obvious. That product is ETL certified. Do you think it’s a fair comparison then?

I completely understand your point and I have nothing against ETL at all. In fact, I’d like to move to ETL as it’s much less expensive and from what I understand, very little difference.

However, many B2B partners who are contractors will not install anything that is not UL listed. So, we believe it’s a great marketing point to promote that our switches have obtained the UL listing. And since many B2B companies are looking at this listing, we thought it would be important to show the difference.


Project update!

Today we approved tooling so we’re trucking along :slight_smile:

If you’re curious as to how all the components work together, you can check out the interactive AutoCAD design here: https://a360.co/32TWQVo

In addition, I’ll be leading the project moving forward. Looking forward to bringing this one to market!


Use Chrome for the Autocad drawing if Firefox won’t load it.

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I love the explode button by the way:

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