Zigbee 2-1 Switch (On/Off & Dimmer) | Project New Horizon (Blue Series)

Nice! Thanks for reporting back, we’re excited to hear how you like it!

Let me give it a whirl. I haven’t played too much with the edge drivers. This was very easy on groovy.

@EricM_Inovelli is neck deep in Edge Drivers so I’m tagging him just in case I can’t figure it out.

Good news is I’m running ST at my house and have the edge driver loaded so we can figure this out together!

Edit: Ok I think I see what’s going on. I experienced the same thing as you. After some finagling, I figured out if you click on, “Turn On” at the top again, it will un-highlight it. Once you un-highlight it, the notification will run as normal without the load turning on.

I’ve let Eric know to see if there’s a way to make it a little more user friendly, but it may just be a limitation of Edge.

Edit 2: I’ve posted instructions here: SmartThings Animated Notification Setup

I think I’m going to create a dedicated page that people can list out what they want automated and the community and/or myself can take a stab at writing up instructions.