The Z2M home assistant addon recently got updated to v2.0 which has some breaking changes that could affect Blue Series users.
The first issue I came across is the addon would not connect to my coordinator. This is because the adapter needed to be defined under serial: In my case it was zstack, but this could change depending on which coordinator you’re using.
port: tcp://192.168.XX.XX:6638
adapter: zstack
The other major breaking change is the removal of the sensor.*_action entities. This was a legacy entity that could be used to trigger automations and would show a state based on the button presses used. It’s been deprecated for a while but now has been removed by default from Z2M.
There’s a popular blueprint by @starbuck93 that uses this action entity. To be able to continue using this blueprint, or any manual automations that are using the action sensor, you need to enable the legacy action feature in Z2M. To do so, this code needs to be added to your configuration.
legacy_action_sensor: true
Alternatively, this blueprint by @rohan uses the device events to detect the number of clicks and should continue to function properly.