2-1 Switch Shipping Discussion

Although I got the notification a label was created, it still hasn’t made it to UPS. :rofl:

This all just makes me feel like Christmas trying to wait around for Santa! Luckily for me i’m excited, but no immediate rush/deadline. Just looking forward to spending hours of my life installing switches and thinking of all the fun smart/automations to do.

I did have fun trying to actually get Zigbee2mqtt up and running via my Synology Docker. Took a while to sort it out, but now I’m ready! I wanted to do the ZHA but thats even more complicated with synology + USB + docker + drivers…ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Thanks to @Eric_Inovelli for providing the info he has. While sometimes too much info can cause the anxiety we all feel, it’s great to know what is happening and that we are so close, even if we have to wait another week or two. The transparency is awesome!


If on DSM 7, create the following scheduled task on boot:
/sbin/modprobe usbserial
/sbin/modprobe ftdi_sio
/sbin/modprobe cdc-acm
chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0
chmod 777 /dev/ttyACM0

and make sure to run your Docker image with “Execute container with highest privilege” and then ZHA should work just fine for you.

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You may also need to run these via SSH to make sure the drivers load properly. Should only need to do this once:

sudo insmod /lib/modules/usbserial.ko > /dev/null 2>&1
sudo insmod /lib/modules/ftdi_sio.ko > /dev/null 2>&1
sudo insmod /lib/modules/cdc-acm.ko > /dev/null 2>&1
sudo insmod /lib/modules/cp210x.ko > /dev/null 2>&1
sudo insmod /lib/modules/ch341.ko > /dev/null 2>&1

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@cscott – what were these last couple posts in relation to? I think they may be in the wrong thread?


@Eric_Inovelli they were for @mark.heitz in the post slightly above with his issues for ZHA and drivers. Sorry, they are definitely not shipping related, so you can remove and I can send to him privately as well.

All good, I’ll leave it. I was just confused lol


April 24, order #359xx, 10 pack via Inovelli, unfufilled, no shipping notification. :unamused:

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April 27th order of only two switches via inovelli - just got ship notification…exciting news!

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Thanks for the update Eric. That helps a lot. I just checked status and my order has gone from unfulfilled to shipped! So looking forward to receiving my blues soon!

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I placed my order April 21 (#35xxx) for 3 switches. I just got my shipping confirmation, so hopefully you’ll get yours soon!


Will anyone being posting any YouTube videos of their install and usage experience? Especially integrating with Home Assistant. Looking forward to reviews!


Like that idea of seeing installs. Would it make sense to create an installation thread that also talks about how they are being used?


Bought (8) 10-packs for new construction and no shipping yet… You guys are making me jealous! Might have to have electricians install dumb switches and go back and replace them all. I can think of worse things though so if it happens it happens :slight_smile:

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Anyone with a larger order have their stuff shipped yet? I ordered 50 blues and 10 white starting in April, no luck yet


Same boat, two 10pks of blues, 5 individual whites. Purchased 4/25. Waiting patiently. I was surprised I got my Home Assistant Yellow before these. My Yellow ship date kept moving up from late November to having arrived last week while these have not.

I’m not in any rush, it just lets me put off doing a full reinstall of home assistant and hiring an electrician to install all of these (as well as some zigbee outlets).


Same here; got the tracking number yesterday, but UPS doesn’t have it yet. Which probably means they won’t arrive before the weekend.


With the Canadian orders shipping from Canada does that mean it’s safe to assume we will not get hit with any import charges from CBSA?


Canadian order here. Still waiting for any updates for the friends up north.


Just got notification that my order shipped! :tada: