Binding Blue 2-1 to two Hue bulbs and getting proper updates on switch

Here’s the setup:
  • A blue 2-1 switch
  • A ZHA Zigbee binding group with two hue bulbs in it
  • The blue 2-1 switch is bound to the group with LevelControl and OnOff

Turning the blue 2-1 on and off and changing the brightness works perfectly.

Here’s the problem:

Changing the state of the Hue bulbs individually does not cause the switch to update. So if the switch is off, and you turn a light on, the switch remains off. If the switch is on, and you change the brightness of an individual Hue light, the switch brightness does not get updated.

Note: ZHA creates a light for the group in Home Assistant with a default entity ID of light.coordinator_group_name and that entity gets updated properly.

I’ve considered adding an automation that triggers for changes to light.coordinator_group_name and updates the Blue 2-1, but this seems a bit unnecessary (and like the wrong way to get things working).

I have tried adding the Blue 2-1 to the Zigbee binding group, and this doesn’t work either. The only difference is how the light.coordinator_group_name calculates on/brightness state (it averages all 3 brightness values and is on when any of them are on). But from a functional perspective, the above problem is exactly the same.

Is this impossible? Is there a bug somewhere?