Blue 2-1 Buzzing

Wondering if anyone know what the proper way to diagnose this one 2-1 blue switch I have that seems to be buzzing when turned on. I’ve already checked to see if the wiring was loose at the switch and it’s not. I have other switches using the same lights that don’t seem to have this problem. Before I go down the route of swapping the switch with another one, what else can I check? I’m running in a neutral setup and its hook up to 4 dimmable recessed ceiling light cans. I’m using Hubitat as my hub and it seems the switch is running a bit warmer than the others…high 90s F while the other ones I have are low 90s or below.

Strange that the Blue is working fine with identical lights elsewhere. Is the quantity of lights the switch is controlling the same?

Are the max brightness settings the same? Try reducing the max on the buzzing switch.

I’d also try switching to trailing edge from leading edge, or vice versa. You shouldn’t have to since the other legs are working fine, but it’s worth trying.

So I’m seeing a height of 109F in temp and a power draw of 35.4. Is that considered high? The buzzing is loudest at 50-70% dim and quietest at 100%. I’ve tried using setParameter 26 to 0 and 1…but I can’t tell if it’s gone through. Not sure how to see the state variables live because it just says Trailing Edge regardless of what I do with setParameter…

I believe Leading/Trailing edge must be set at the switch.

Thanks. So enabling leading edge seems to have made the buzzing much quieter but its still there. I left my light on for a bit and it seems to be reaching 117F internal temp. That feels like its a bit high…Now I’m wondering if there’s a loose wire somewhere? The power draw is 35.1. This switch is hooked up to 4 recessed lights. My other switch which is on 6 recessed lights should in theory draw more power but is only drawing at 33.1 with an internal temp of 90F. Is there anything else I should check other than loose wire? Could it possibly be a defective unit? What exactly is the difference between leading and trailing edge?