Blue fan led wont turn off

Really struggling for some reason to get my blue led to turn off… can change the colors no problem but it refuses to turn off… I’m changing the shown value to zero, Among other things. Ideas?

Anyone have any idea

I don’t have a fan switch so I don’t know if it’s much different than a 2-1, but after updating P98 (and/or any parameter), did you Save and then do a Configure - All?

Yes I did save multiple times. Can get the LED to change colors just can’t get the dam thing to turn off. It’s so bright at night lol

I would try factory resetting that switch. It’s possible something got hosed and isn’t taking a setting.

Reset (paddle up + config button till led went red) re discovered and connected. Lef reset but still won’t power off

Is the LED bar’s intensity at least set back at the default? i.e. Did it reset to default after the factory reset?

Also, do you have multiple fan switches and the issue is only on occurring on one? Or do you just have one switch? Or if you have multiple switches is it occurring on all of them?

Not sure if intensity went back to default or not, I changed it immediately after reset to see if that resolved, it did however reset the colors back to default blue (I hand changed to try and find a less bright option). Unsure if other fans are having this issue but the red I have installed beside it allowed me to turn the led off no problem. Only want these off as they are bright as hell in my bedroom at night. Let me test with another I have

Edit: others will not turn off either, however I can dim it to 1. Wondering if this is because of the original keep alive with blues and me using a beta firmware. Hubitat update firmware option doesn’t seem to be working for blues. Feel like I have to do something different to update blue firmware just don’t remember what

At least that eliminates the switch as being faulty since they are all exhibiting the same behavior. So you’re down to either the firmware or the Hubitat driver.

I think you should get the firmware updated first.

Confirmed it was the drivers. I was part of the group that had their blue’s falling off the network until they were power cycled every 12 months. As a fix i installed a beta driver for the blue fans i forgot about. Updating to thew newest resolved it

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