Blue Series 2-1 Signal / Routing / Performance Issue Troubleshooting Thread

Apologies if I miss anyone, but from my informal attempting to keep track of people with outstanding issues… @1337joe, @Azrael, @dahanc, @Donkey545, @epow, @huynh.kong, @imagio, @isowyn, @Jcol34, @logrec, @roger.hillson, @tony.gresset, and @wogfun I believe all of you still have open issues of some kind, whether it be joining or routing through the Blues. If it was resolved, please ignore me, but just wanted to make sure you saw this thread get opened and the form to help identify root cause and get this sorted!


I had quite a few issues in home assistant with ZHA (on raspberry pi 3) with my sonoff coordinator. I was unable to pair any of them in the first 10 times - i tried air gapping the switch and manually putting it in pairing mode. I opened the debug logs when pairing and noticed that I was getting a ton of traffic from my coordinator trying to find a few sengled smart bulbs that were offline because they were switched off at the outlet. I removed the bulbs and was able to pair the switches instantly


That’s really interesting, presumably just too much traffic trying to check on those bulbs?

Yea it was a ton of traffic for that and potentially my old rpi 3 is having some trouble processing everything? I’m not sure exactly how zigbee works but it could have also been overflowing the message buffer for the nearest zigbee router (or the sonoff coordinator) and causing the pairing request to not complete within the 20 second pairing window. Either way it is probably not specific to the switches :slight_smile:

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For ease of finding it here’s the thread about my troubles with routing Sengled bulbs Blue series routing trouble? - #25 by epow

tl;dr is – sengled bulbs really don’t want to route via blue series for more than a few minutes, they will quickly drop off the network rather than continue routing through them

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I forgot to add after filling out the form that I noticed that the switches will not route through one another even when they are just a few feet away from one another.


The switches not routing through each other was my entire problem as well. I’ve currently solved it by adding a couple IKEA devices, but I only have two of those currently, which have to be online for half of my switches to connect.


I’m using hubitat and have had very hard time pairing and keeping the connection. Unless the switch is very close (<10 ft) with LOS to the hub or a router it doesn’t seem to work. I get LQIs around 0-5 for a dimmer within 14ft with LOS. None of my edge devices use them, but I suspect that is because their LQI is so low.


Using Zigbee2MQTT via Home Assistant add-on with a Sonoff stick. First couple of switches paired up pretty quick. Tried 3 more after that and they won’t pair despite air gaps, flipping the breaker, holding config and up button to go into pairing mode (the latter of which doesn’t always seem to work even if I release the buttons in the correct order).

One of the switches that won’t join is within 24" of the first switch I installed that joined without issue. I just took it back out and will pop it open and have a look at the antenna.

Edit: Popped open the switch and the antenna looked fine I guess. No obvious sign of damage. Also, I’m now up to 4 switches that refuse to pair. These are all out of the same 10 pack so next step I guess is to try a switch from the other unopened 10 pack I have. Frustrating experience so far.

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I’ve started installing my 10-pack of Blues. So far, one switch has issues. I opened a ticket, and Nate suggested I post here as well.

The switch has issues in both places I tried installing it, and when I swap it out for another Blue in the same location, that switch works. The “bad” switch is difficult to get to pair. And when it does pair, most of the configuration options are missing on the hub, and it doesn’t report any status back to the hub. Factory reset, re-pairing, and refreshing don’t help. It seems to be specific to this one switch (so far.)

FWIW, I’m using ZHA on Home Assistant.

Edit: I’m now up to 2 out of the 8 switches I’ve tried showing this behavior. Again, if I swap out the “Bad” switch with another, the new switch works in the same location with the same wiring. To me it really looks like there are some defective switches.

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This seems to be my issue as well using HA ZHA and Sonoff dongle with the TI chip.

I have plenty of switches that are well within range of each other and would have expected my network coverage to expand as I installed and connected more switches, but they refuse to route to one another and I am limited by proximity to the controller/other routers. I have some wall plugs on the way to see if I can patch the holes in the network as it were and get everything paired up. I may end up placing some dedicated routers around in the attic if the routing issue doesn’t get resolved, which might just be best practice anyway considering the weird layout of my home.

Otherwise I love them. Hands down the best smart switch on the market.

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I had a location that absolutely would not pair up after trying four different switches. A possible solution I thought would be to pair a switch at a known working location and then move it back to the “problematic” location. Results? Worked like a charm. Instant response and no issues at all.

Anyway, just an idea if you switch is being stubborn about pairing.

I wonder if the pairing process is more sensitive to LQI/RSSI vs. just using the switch?


I ended up adding a bunch of smart plugs as routers and that has helped some. However the switches still won’t wont route to one another even when they are in line of sight and just a few feet apart.


I think we may want to level-set some expectations here as well. Not all routers will connect to one another. The routing is managed by the protocol and isn’t controllable by the device, etc. For the ZHA map, the numbers indicate LQI between nodes, it’s refreshed every 4 hours and is Not indicative of routes. I believe that would be the same regarding Z2M, where LQI can provide some general information but also shouldn’t be viewed as needing to be above a certain threshold, etc. The general measure should be is the device working as expected or not. (Not saying throw all this data out the window, just hoping to clarify what info should be useful vs is likely noise as we try to figure out what’s going on)

One thing I want to mention now that I’ve said all that…those LQI numbers seem very low across the board. I’m not saying that’s inherently a problem, it could mean you’ve got a noisy environment or it could just be that different stacks calculate LQI differently and that’s all. Is this an townhouse/apartment or have neighbors where their wifi could be overlapping with the channel you’re using? I think we’d already checked your wifi and zigbee channels in the other thread for your own networks, but if you haven’t already it might be useful to check wireless signals with a wifi scanner to see if you’re getting interference on other channels as well?


So far I’ve installed 4 out of my 20 switches, and the only one I’ve successfully paired is the one that’s less than 3 feet away from the Coordinator. The one in the next room over will not connect, either directly to the coordinator or by trying to pair it through the existing paired switch.

Disappointed, to say the least, one of my main goals in getting these switches was general network expansion as I’ve had some connection issues with sensors at farther ends of my house.

The concept of Zigbee switches seemed great, but now I’m wondering if I would have been better off just getting WiFi switches since there never seems to be any trouble with my general WiFi connectivity…


Have you posted a thread where we can walk through steps already to check?

Things to include -
Home Assistant hardware?
Home Assistant coordinator (the dongle)?
Are you using an extension cable?
ZHA or Z2M?
Zigbee Channel?
Wifi Channel?
Any other Zigbee devices on the network already?


Is there any update on how to resolve the signal quality issues? It seems like all troubleshooting feedback was slowed down when the separate threads were consolidated here.

It seems like all we have on the forums so far is beta users with no problems with signal and production run users with consistent problems across multiple platforms.

Are there any production run installs with good results? If we can see the difference between properly performing systems, maybe we can isolate the problem.

From a manufacturing perspective I’d be looking at questions like these:

Were there any component or layout changes in the signal path between the production run and the beta?

Is the manufacturer of the antenna the same? Did you change to ROHS compliant solder on the assembly of the antennas?

Do you have a QA process that samples the production run antenna performance? If so, is there a histogram of the measured rssi that could extrapolate a portion of the run into the marginal performance region?

Did handling testing reveal sensitivity to impact or environmental conditions like moisture and temperature?

Is there a single source for all the assembled components and did you verify that these components are not counterfeit?

I’m not looking for answers to these questions, but they are good places to look for a problem that seems this common.


For what it’s worth I added a prod switch a couple days ago (need time to get more set up) but am experiencing exactly the same good/working behavior in that switch that I experience with the beta switch and at least personally am planning on monitoring it extensively as I continue to swap in more Blues as I have time.

Installed my first Blue last night, confident that by following best practices I’d avoid the issues reported by others. Wrong! I’m in the same boat, with an underperforming switch. Details-

  • zigbee ch 25
  • wifi on ch 1
  • z2m v1.28 using a Sonoff dongle P with latest (0928) firmware
  • dongle on an extension cable
  • switch installed 5 feet from the dongle, 1 wall in the way (drywall, not brick)
  • lqi values range between 18 and 21
  • all other directly connected routers on my mesh have lqi values between 100 and 200, depending on distance and obstacles. Some are > 70 ft away with 3 or 4 walls in the way (I count changing floors in the house as a wall)

I’ve seen the lqi reported for my Blue drop to 0 on occasion. One time I had to physically press a button to get it back on the mesh, but the other two times it responded to a zigbee command issued from the z2m GUI.

Conclusions- I’m not as cocky, that’s for sure. Seems like there really is an issue with this production run. Hopefully a firmware fix is imminent…