Appreciate the transparency here, Eric. I installed 6 of my switches and then stopped since I was having issues. For those who already have them installed, i have been able to get them working by strategically placing zigbee outlets around the area where the switches are located to serve as closer points in the mesh. For example, I have an outlet on the back side of one of my walls with a switch and was able to put the zigbee outlet there and get the switch to work. So pick up some cheap zigbee outlets for an interim fix and then repurpose the outlets later. Might at least help limp through to December.
Thanks for the update. While this is a bit disappointing the honesty and transparency has been amazing.
Do we know that it’s all 94:xx and 38:xx addresses, or only certain, more specific ranges in other posts like this one (which suggests 38:5b:44 and 94:34:69)? Blue Series 2-1 Signal / Routing / Performance Issue Troubleshooting Thread - #147 by chack
Asking because I seem to have been pretty lucky but have one that is at least a partial match…
I really appreciate the transparency firstly but also detailing the next steps as much as possible.
I think it’s fair to say that all of us are rooting for Inovelli as a company and are thrilled to know we have a path forward!
Thanks @Eric_Inovelli. One suggestion to help retain trust of your early adopters: send a proactive email out to folks who are receiving preorders to let them know what’s going on. I just received my shipment of 60 switches yesterday and spent a fair amount of time trying to figure out what I was doing wrong before I found this thread. Would have been nice to know this was a known issue going into the installation.
Out of my 60 switches (6x 10-packs), 59 of them are either 38:5b:44 or 94:34:69. The one that isn’t is 04:0d:84. So I have one that I should expect to work? Better than nothing, I guess!
First, I hope you feel better soon – just take whatever down time you need now to get over the cold, or it’ll likely plague you for weeks to come. Ask me how I know.
When more details are known about the 94/38 defect, I’d be grateful if you could share those… In my case, I have 7 94’s and 2 04’s… All of my Blues paired fine and performed fine (in terms of responsiveness etc), but I had a strong zigbee mesh already in place.
I’m away from home till Monday, but I look forward to trying EricM’s latest driver with the binding-issue fix – I’ll start that with my 04’s.
But assuming I can get my 94’s re-paired again, is there any “danger” with trying those too? In the brief time I had them up before the binding bug bit me, I didn’t notice any glaring performance issues. If my zigbee mesh is robust enough to compensate for the weak 94’s, are they otherwise OK to use?
If so, I may possibly be a case where you don’t need to send new/replacement switches.
Thanks, and again, I hope you feel better soon!
Thanks for all your hard work. I came into this forum a little disgruntled about the shipping issues but having spent time since then reading the forums and your responses, transparency, and dedication to making sure everyone is taken care of is really amazing. I feel kind of silly complaining about shipping stuff as I know now that I had nothing to worry about with you firing on all cylinders.
Im a believer in the Inovelli brand, and all my future switch purchases will definitely go to Inovelli. I bought a 10 pack just to test, but I have a lot more switches than 10 that needs to be replaced and they will definitely be more blues or reds depending on when I get funds to replace my next batch. I hope you feel better and can relax a little more now that you have answers.
I appreciate the transparency and commitment to make things right. Also very glad I only installed one switch because all 50 are 94: or 38:
It looks like both of mine are in the affected range as well. That explains the behavior I was seeing when they were in the wall vs when I had them on my test setup. My coordinator was inches from them when testing and it was working perfectly, but stopped responding properly when the coordinator was across the room.
@Eric_Inovelli While you are talking through testing procedures, have you confirmed with the beta testers that the original switches acted as routers to extend the Zigbee mesh? Can this be tested as part of your manufacturers testing procedures?
I know signal strength is an issue with the retail version, which is why it isn’t expanding the mesh, but I want to make sure there aren’t two separate issues that are being overlooked. It would be even more frustrating to get another several thousand switches built/shipped that still don’t work properly.
Suggested this above already. Wasted hours but fortunately stopped after installing two switches and found this thread.
While I appreciate the communication in these forums a lot, important messages should still go over email.
They do
I popped in here tonight, because I had the most awful time getting my 2-1 paired until I moved the hub to the same room. And, I knew if I could count on any community, it was this one!
The installed switch is 94:34:69. The one still in the box is 04:0D:84. I want to go wake my daughter up so I can swap them out tonight! (but, I also want to stay married…so, I’ll wait until the morning).
I’ll be watching for the replacement process. Whew!
Thanks @Eric_Inovelli for the transparency and the diligence. Get well, buddy!
What’s the process going to be for proving we have defective switches?
All 6 of mine were in the defective IEEE batch. I also attempted to set up 2 switches yesterday and 1 of 6 was completely dead as in no power. Swapped it out with another blue switch and that one worked (got power)
I’m able to pair the 2 switches but it’s a very vulnerable connection. If the repeaters they are connected to turn off that’s it. I accidentally turned the bulbs off (power off) with the switch and the switch lost connection immediately. Clearly something wrong and thankfully we now know what it is.
You mean switches, right?
Oops lol. Yes switches will edit now.
I had the same errors when pairing both my Blues with Z2mqtt. But they worked after the pairing finished so I just went about my day (fingers crossed).
This is a great question – I’d love to know too since I have 3 each 94:34:69 and 94:DE:B8
94:DE are fine