I have a blue series fan switch that has been working great from the very beginning, but recently has not been working with zigbee2mqtt correctly. Since I got a preorder, I installed it initially with the custom converter. Now, Zigbee2MQTT is up to date (v1.35.3-1), but I can’t change any parameters. Fan switch has 1.04 firmware.
Every time I try to change a parameter, I get an error like this:
Publish ‘set’ ‘ledColorWhenOn’ to ‘Master Bedroom Fan’ failed: ‘Error: Cluster with name ‘manuSpecificInovelliVZM31SN’ does not exist’
At first, I tried removing the custom converter in the Z2M settings, but that didn’t work, so I force removed and re-paired the switch, but I still get that error every time I try to change any parameter from the config. What should I try next? Since the switch got reset the damn led strip is so bright at night and I’ve had to tape it with electrical tape.
Any ideas what I should try next?
This error means that you have an old converter that is referencing the former name of the manufacturer specific cluster. It was renamed when the VZM35 was added to make it non device specific. Make sure you have removed all custom converters from your configuration or update the reference to the new cluster name that omits the VZM31 portion from the name.
Thanks for the reply! I found the old convertor file and deleted it. I had already deleted the converter config in Z2M. After doing that and restarting Z2M, I force removed the fan switch, factory reset it (couldn’t get it to pair), then added it again.
Unfortunately, it’s still throwing the error. When you say to update the reference to the new cluster name, what exactly do you mean? How should I do that?
Ok, I updated Z2M to 1.36.0-1, then restarted and re-paired the fan switch again. This was still erroring, but it now showed an available OTA update to the switch firmware (to 1.07). After installing that, I get all new parameters and can adjust them again. Thanks for the help!
Can you see the fan status in HA when it’s changed to low at the switch?
No, I don’t think so. Although admittedly I don’t really look in HA much anymore as all my automations are tuned the way I want them, so I might just be missing something.