I don’t think the current ZHA release does but it’s still being separated out from HA and that may free them up a lot too. I know there are ways to do it with ZHA Toolkit, or with an MQTT message if you’re using Zigbee2MQTT, but with the remove/readd it should bring the device right back with all the same entity names, etc.
Zigbee2MQTT has a UI option now too for it
In this context, is it worth switching from ZHA to Zigbee2Mqtt?
I am using Zwave2Mqtt and the ZwaveJS UI already.
I’m biased (I haven’t used ZHA in 4+ years), but I find it super helpful to have my Zigbee network separated from HA (doesn’t restart when HA does, faster / easier / better compatibility) and the UI is a lot easier to work with especially with handling grouping and binding.
It is a little annoying to migrate since you have to pair all of your devices one at a time to Zigbee2MQTT, but I think it’s worth it.
I’d agree with what rohan mentioned. I think for my recommendation it would just come down to which devices you have and how many since moving a ton of devices may be enough of a barrier. My Zen thermostats didn’t (not sure if it’s changed) have the same support and options through Zigbee2MQTT and that was a big reason I ended back on ZHA.
The best answer imo is if you’re down for trying Zigbee2MQTT it’s definitely worth seeing which you prefer and then go from there.