Blue Series - Flashing Lights (Multi-Way w/Dumb Switch)

First, I want to clarify this:

By Aux dummy switch, do you mean you installed the special Aux switch (Add-On (Auxiliary) Switch – Inovelli) or did you leave the existing, “dumb” switches in there (ie: the ones originally in your house)?

If you have the dumb switches in, is what you’re seeing similar to this?

If so, I had a similar issue during my installation. It happened when it was first turned on and was an, “on/off” switch. When I changed it to Dimmer, it worked fine.

However, if you want it to be on/off (or it’s still flashing when you have it as a dimmer), then try adjusting the max brightness to 90 and see if that works. If not, then start backing down your max brightness by 1 integer until it stops blinking.

Here is the technical explanation from the engineers as to why this is happening:

“This problem mostly occurs when the switch is connected to multiple LED light bulbs. There are capacitive loads of each bulb. With too many light bulbs connected, this overloads the traveler circuit and interferes with the signal received. When that happens, the switch has difficulty identifying whether the load is in traveler state or load state. Reducing switch max level effectively reduces the interference and the switch can correctly identify when the load is in traveler or load state.”

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